World Living Soils Forum


Jesper Saxgren

The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation



Jesper Saxgren is an ecologist with over 35 years of experience working and teaching in the fields of ecology, sustainable development, permaculture and environmental management. He has taught extensively in areas of regenerative and sustainable land use planning, integrated community development, including agro-ecological farming and sustainable livelihood planning, eco-friendly and low carbon building techniques, watershed and ecosystem management and climate change adaption. He has also worked in the field of ecology and sustainable development as a planner, teacher, facilitator and consultant with NGOs in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially in Nepal, Ghana, Bolivia and Bhutan. Jesper has originated, planned, established and contributed to a number of highly acknowledged ecological projects, including substantial fund-raising and published and documented process and results in reports and articles. He is vice-chairman in Organic Denmarks Global Committee, Associated and Appointed Ambassador for EARTH University in Costa Rica, (Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda), Founding Trustee of the international ‘Regenerative Viticulture Foundation’ and Founding Member of the organization EarthWays.

Ses sessions

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