World Living Soils Forum


Alejandro Fuentes Espinoza

OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine)

Head of Unit Viticulture


As a graduated engineer in Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (higher education and research institute AgroParistech) and with a doctorate in economics sciences my professional experiences and my scientific work at international level have focused on the development, implementation and coordination of development and research projects in the food sector, in relation with environmental issues, climate change and food security. For the past ten years I have acquired a specialized knowledge on the vitivinicultural sector and since June 2018 I assume the position of Head of the Viticulture Unit of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV). Our organization, created in 1924, has always been concerned about the challenges and current issues that have shaped the development of the world wine sector, as evidenced by its participation in the 4 per 1000 initiative since its creation. I am convinced that the vitivinicultural sector crystallises many challenges of the 21st century agriculture, particularly with regard to adaptation and mitigation to climate change, the increasing evolution of soil degradation, the renewal and orientation of production systems and / or making use of innovations in order to reduce the environmental impacts and maintain the sustainability of the sector. I have seen the importance of these issues, which, even if they do not interact in the same way from one country to another, are still at the forefront of public policy concerns. I am very interested in multidisciplinary works and in exchanges on the agrifood sector at the international level. I have participated in the elaboration and implementation of transnational European research projects as coordinator of the technical and economic working groups. My professional experience and my training have allowed me to work in particular on production patterns aimed at reducing the use of phytosanitary inputs, improving production techniques in order to limit the environmental impacts, strengthening the ""food culture"" for the implementation of high quality local food systems and facilitating adaptation and sectoral mitigation to climate change. In an agrifood sector which is constantly evolving, I believe it is essential to always consider a mission of control and inventory of the supply of agrifood products while also anticipating the needs and expectations of importing and/or consuming countries. The evolution of these countries’ demand (both quantitatively and qualitatively) also allows to better reposition these climate and environmental challenges, and the ""economic"" dimension can never, in my view, be dissociated from the agronomic dimension, such as the management of soil, water and natural resources in a broader concept.