Dr. Kris Nichols
MyLand/ Kiss the Ground
Ph.D/ Research Director
Dr; Kris Nichols is a leader in the movement to regenerate soils for healthy soil, crops, food, peaople and a planet. She is currently the founder and principal scientist of KRIS Systems Education & Consultation and Research Director with MyLand Company Inc. She is a Soil Microbiologist with over 25 years of research experience studying arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Kris builds upon a soils health founsdation to identify biologiv-cal methods for agricultural production ans tools and practices to reduce pest issues, soil erosion, fossil fuel use, and greenhouse gas emissions. Throughout her career, she has given over 250 invited presentations to a wide variety of audiences, authored or co-authored more than 25 pper-reviewed publications, been cited or interviewed for more than 50 magazine or newspapaer articles, highlighted in five books, and has numerous videos on-line. Dr Nichols was the Chief Scientist at Rodale Institute for ever three years. Prior to joining Rodale Institute, Dr. Nichols was a Research (Soil) Microbiologist with the USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in North Dakota for 11 years and a Biological Laboratory Technician with ARS in Beltville, MD for 3 years. Kris received Bachelor of Science degrees in Plant Biology and in Genetics and Cell Biology from the University of Minnesota in 1995, a Master's degrees in Environmental Microbiology from West Virginia University in 1999, and a Ph.D in Soil Science from the University of Maryland in 2003. Kris grew up on a 640-acre grain farm in SW Minnesota which is still managed by her father, Jim Nichols who was a former State Senator and Commissioner of Agriculture.