World Living Soils Forum


Kees (Cornelis) Van Leeuwen

Bordeaux Sciences Agro - EGFV - ISVV



Cornelis (Kees) van Leeuwen is professor of viticulture at Bordeaux Sciences Agro (BSA), and Bordeaux University’s Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV). He is head of the viticulture-oenology department at BSA. Kees van Leeuwen conducts research on the concept of terroir in viticulture, including the effect of environmental constraints (water and nitrogen), phenology modelling and the impact of climate change in viticulture. Output of this research can help growers to optimize terroir expression and to adapt to a changing environment. Kees van Leeuwen was initially trained as an enologist but he did a PhD on a terroir related subject. He was active as a consultant for Château Cheval Blanc in St Emilion for 25 years. Kees van Leeuwen is the founder and editor in chief of the viticulture section of the international peer reviewed open access journal OENO One.

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