World Living Soils Forum


Natalia Rodriguez Eugenio

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation)

PhD- Land and Water Officer


"§ Land and Water Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, of Spanish nationality and based in Rome. § Member of the Secretariat of the Global Soil Partnership. § She has a degree in biology from the University of La Laguna, Canary Islands, and a master's degree in sustainable use and protection of soil in Mediterranean environments from the University of Murcia. She holds a PhD in Soil Sciences, specializing in carbon, soil microbial activity and digital soil mapping. She has over 13 years of experience in sustainable soil management, the last 6 dedicated to soil pollution in Europe and worldwide. § Natalia has published several articles in high level scientific journals on sustainable soil management, soil governance and the impact of human activities on soil health. § She is the main author of the two FAO publications on soil pollution: a popular book on soil pollution and the Global Assessment of Soil Pollution published jointly by FAO and UNEP. § She has recently been the initiator of the FAO’s International Network on Soil Pollution.

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