World Living Soils Forum


George  Soleas

LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)

President & CEO


George Soleas is one of Canada’s most-credentialed wine experts. He joined the LCBO in 1997 as Director of Quality Assurance after serving more than 11 years in the Canadian wine industry, taking on progressively senior leadership positions until he was named President & Chief Executive Officer in 2016.   George’s diverse education includes a BSc from McMaster University, a diploma in Oenology from U.C. Davis, as well as a MSc and PhD from the University of Toronto.  He remains committed to higher education through professional affiliations with McMaster University, Brock University, and the University of Guelph. George completed executive training through the New CEO Workshop at Harvard Business School, the Masters Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management program from the Schulich Executive Education Centre, the Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland, and the Rotman Institute of Corporate Directors program (ICD.D). His widely published research focuses primarily on the biochemical aspects of beverage alcohol constituents and their effects on humans.    George currently serves as a Board of Directors member of the Retail Council of Canada. He is also the recipient of such awards as the Ontario Imported Wine-Spirits-Beer Association’s Industry Partnership Award, the Greek Wine Industry Award, the McMaster Alumni Gallery Award, and was appointed to the Jurade de Saint Emilion and Chevaliers du Tastevin wine organizations as well as the Keepers of the Quaich.

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