World Living Soils Forum


Elizabeth Whitlow

Regenerative Organic Alliance​

Executive Director


"Regenerating the living crust of the Earth has been Elizabeth Whitlow’s mission since she was first exposed in the 1990s to the harmful practices of industrial agriculture. Thus began the long journey of examining the deeper systemic policies of agriculture and advocating for programs that reward holistic farmers. Now, as the Executive Director of the Regenerative Organic Alliance, Elizabeth is overseeing the launch of a revolutionary certification program, Regenerative Organic Certified. The term “regenerative” risks becoming the next buzzword as it is adopted by large chemical agriculture. Elizabeth is leading the charge to ensure that regenerative is intrinsically linked to organic. Regenerative organic agriculture is farming in a way that heals our precious topsoil, draws carbon down, creates thriving ecosystems and equity for those who live and depend on Earth. Above all, her greatest honor is to serve a planet that is in tremendous need of each and every one of us. “In the 37 seconds it may have taken to read this brief bio, the Earth has lost the equivalent of 18 soccer fields of living topsoil. The solution to our modern-day ecological crises lies right beneath our feet.”"

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