World Living Soils Forum


Lilian Berillon

Berillon Vine Nursery



Son and grandson of nurserymen from the Vaucluse, Lilian BĂ©rillon is a wine lover. After technical and commercial training, he realised the role that the nurseryman can play in providing a very high quality raw material to the winegrowers. Lilian quickly realised that there was a serious health problem in the vineyard. Wood and vine diseases are on the increase. Lilian BĂ©rillon questioned a large number of practices applied by the entire industry. He tried to pass on his qualitative vision of plant material to the industry, which was largely responsible for this situation. In 2003, fed up with the immobility of the whole sector, he decided to go to the end of his convictions by creating a new model of wine nursery: a model that respects the plant material to be delivered to the winegrowers, who want to produce wines that express their terroirs and who have to cope with the climatic conditions.

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