World Living Soils Forum


Marc-André Selosse​

MNHN (National Museum of Natural History)

Professor and Biologist


Marc-André SELOSSE is professor at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), and at Universities of Kunming (China) and Gdansk (Poland). His researches focus on the ecology and evolution of mycorrhizas, a major symbiosis between soil fungi and roots of most land plants. He also has a general interest for symbiosis and its evolution. He was head of the French Botanical Society for ten years and is now president of the Fédération BioGée, member of the French Academy of Agriculture and editor of four international scientific journals : New Phytologist, Ecology Letters, Symbiosis and Botany Letter. All his papers (more than 190 scientific papers and 190 outreach papers) are downloadable at He published outreach books in French on microbiota  (Jamais seul, 2017), tannins (Les goûts et les couleurs du monde, 2019) and soil (L’origine du Monde, 2021).

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