World Living Soils Forum 2022

Robert-Jean De Vogüé

In 2020, we launched our Living Soils Living Together program, the foundation of our social and environmental commitment. This program brings together all our worldwide communities around a major challenge: transmitting healthy soils to future generations.

Faced with the two ecological crises of climate change and the decline of biodiversity, we have set ourselves ambitious objectives for 2030, namely the elimination of pesticides in our vineyards, water and energy management, sustainability of the supply chain, eco-responsible packaging, traceability at all stages of production and the supply chain.

It is to support this strong ambition that we have equipped ourselves with this research infrastructure. It is based on the collective emulation between all our Houses, in France and abroad, researchers, public authorities or external partners and we wanted it anchored in Champagne.

Its essential mission is to study and identify the most relevant and effective solutions to meet the challenges of viticulture and oenology. And to pay tribute to the one who was always a quarter of an hour ahead, this Research Center bears the name of Robert-Jean de Vogüé, a great man in the world of the vine who marked his time with his pioneering spirit.